Bad Moon Rising derives its name from the fact that when a full moon rises over Africa it’s the biggest threat to wildlife and in particular to the rhino, the blackness of the night turns to light and these creatures become very visible to the poachers. South Africa’s losing 4 rhino per day now and it is predicted that by 2020 the population will be in major trouble.
In the 1950’s only 300 hundred rhino survived in South Africa. It was thanks to the quick thinking Ian Player that this population thrived into the 2000’s. He recognised the threat back in the 50’s and took it upon himself to relocate these animals from this small corner of South Africa. “Operation Rhino” was born and saw this population being dispersed to places as far afield as San Diego and England. Ian Player is the forgotten hero of this amazing piece of wildlife history. Sadly before passing away in 2014 he was witness to the crumbling of his rhino legacy.
Mantis Media has the original footage of Operation Rhino (filmed in the 1950’s) and it too captured one of the last interviews with Dr Player before his passing. In the interview Ian tells the story of Operation Rhino.
Dr William Fowlds, a leading wildlife veterinarian from South Africa tells the story of South Africa’s rhino from the very early days when black rhino roamed the slopes of Table Mountain. He tells Dr Player’s story of Operation Rhino and we hear William’s personal horrific encounters of the war on the rhino and the casualties of these horrors. He also introduces us to ARCC, a last gasp shot at his version of Dr Player’s Operation Rhino. He’s one of many people that have taken over the baton from the legendary Dr Ian Player in a desperate attempt to save these animals from certain extinction.